As I start to write this blog from 37000 feet in the air already the laptop isn’t working, the person in the seat ahead of me won’t sit still, I don’t have my glasses so I can barely see….. definitely helps my story today. Over the past 72 hours, a seemingly perfectly sane, drug free person in my life literally started acting like a crazy person. Suddenly I was without a place to stay, no clothes, no glasses (which I need pretty much constantly), my daughter and traveling buddy got incredibly sick, my dog was taken somewhere and tied up and I was told I had to figure out what to do with her, my credit card was charged 3 times for one ride on uber and then I was locked out of it. Sydney (my daughter) and I have used every mode of transportation known to man except a boat to get where we are going, my sister’s wedding in Paw Paw Michigan.
A pastor of mine once told my ex husband Matt and I that when God is preparing you for something big you buckle your seatbelt and get ready for a bumpy ride. Now I see many people who hit trials and tribulations, if you will, and the moaning and wailing is excruciating to for the rest of us to watch…. “why me?” “If there is a God He must hate me” blah blah blah….. and sometimes problems are not spiritual warfare, sometimes problems; pain and suffering, are a sign that God is trying to bring us back on track, closer to Him and our hearts in the right place. But therein lies the secret. True obedience to God is painless. Righteousness produces fruits of the spirit, in other words, the result of letting God use you doesn’t cause a panic attack, it causes peace. No matter the circumstance. No matter what the enemy throws at you, being right with God causes Joy. It won’t matter who is mean, or rude, or selfish, we will return with Love.
And so, this morning at 530 am, standing outside a filthy motel where my 12-year-old had slept on top of her jacket for fear of laying her head on the bedding, with no way to travel the 5 miles to the airport in time, since my previously mentioned credit card had been frozen, having had no breakfast and no coffee (great suffering indeed haha) I didn’t even have the urge to start panicking. No wailing and moaning escaped my lips, as a matter of fact I sort of started laughing at how surprised I was that we were stuck. There didn’t seem to be a way to accomplish what I needed to accomplish and I was so cemented in my faith I was shocked at the wall in front of me.
Now the continuation of the story, and the details of the people God used and the miracles that ensued are so amazing and wonderous. Many people made many decisions along the way to help me, to help us, my sister and her almost husband, her mother in law, our aunt Patty, my best friend Cynthia and my very good friend Marissa, my friend Sadi, Matt my ex husband, all helped with such eager hearts and seemingly without hesitation. They smiled as each issue came up and gladly put their hands out to help me. This in itself was a miracle.
So here we sit, somewhere around 37000 feet in the air, and the seatbelt light keeps coming on. Sydney and I however, are already wearing ours.
Hebrews 11:33